Charles Harcourt

Charles Harcourt is the founder of Field Classroom, an organization specializing in offering field based classes in subjects such as local history, natural heritage, and sciences.  As an avid bird watcher, history and outdoor enthusiast, Charlie has developed a curriculum around his passions. The organization will be collaborating with others such as the Preservation Trust of Vermont, Historic New England, and other community and regional educational efforts.

Charlie Harcourt graduated from Green Mountain College with a History/Secondary Education major and Environmental Education minor and finishing his Master of Arts Degree in Education through Prescott College specializing in Experiential Education. As an undergraduate, Charlie focused his History Seminar paper on the doctrine of William Miller and completed an extensive service project cataloging and mapping small graveyards and family cemeteries in Poultney.

Charlie holds years of experience in teaching, both in the field and classrooms. In his career as a public school teacher, he taught Modern U.S. History at Poultney High School, completed two years of service with Teach For America teaching Social Studies in the Mississippi Delta, and taught 6-8th grade Social Studies at Hartford Memorial Middle School in White River Junction.

Outside of the classroom, Charlie has been involved in several organizations dedicated to the history and environmental education. He is currently the Vice President of the Poultney Historical Society Board of Trustees, where he serves as the Social Media Chair and is on the East Poultney Day planning committee. Mr. Harcourt is also the Director of Educational Programs for Clarendon Heritage in Vermont. He has worked as a Graduate Admission Interim Director and Counselor at Green Mountain College and has been active with the NAFSA (National Association of Foreign Student Advisors) and the Consortium of Vermont Colleges.

Charles Harcourt is married to Megan Lumnah a Youth Development Professional.


  1. Field Classroom
  2. Preservation Trust of Vermont
  3. Historic New England
  4. Linkedin
  5. Clarendon Heritage
  6. NAFSA
  7. Poultney Historical Society